
8 care tips for your garage door

The garage door of your home is just as important as the roof and windows of your home. Why do most owners hold no garage doors?

Roof inspections are carried out annually by most owners. Some of the items tested are missing boards or missing chips. It is also advisable to look for leaks and cracks in the windows every year.

Even so, many owners are falsely worried about their garage doors. It has recently become known that 47% of homeowners have never repaired their garage doors. This survey also found that 34% of respondents had not yet tested the safety features of garage doors. Visit this website for DIY parts for garage doors and tips for storing your doors.

This survey shows a very disturbing trend as this door can be used as an entrance to the house. It goes without saying that the inconvenience of having a broken garage door can be uncomfortable. Such a door can also lead to security risks.

The safety and efficiency of your garage door can be improved by a few checks that you can carry out yourself. You can keep your door with the following 8 methods:

  1. visual inspection

Visually inspect your garage door when it is closed. Try to determine if there is any sign of wear. Be sure to check the springs, arms, hinges, rollers and door wires. Check for frayed wires. Are there any spare parts If your parts look worn, contact your local garage expert  

  1. Oil door parts

During maintenance, lubrication should be the most fundamental task. The perfect function of the door is ensured by lubrication. It also prevents squeaking and cracking. The silicone spray can be applied in small quantities to locks, rollers, door hinges and pivots to achieve this result.

You can extend the life of your garage door by starting this process.

Also, be sure to lubricate the screw or chain drive of your garage door if the door is made up of these parts.  

  1. Clean the garage door rail.

Try cleaning the rail of your garage door with a damp cloth instead of lubricating it. When you're done with the damp cloth, spray a solvent like the WD-40 on the trail. This solvent acts as an excellent grease separator.  

  1. Do you know if the system is balanced?

Before starting maintenance, check that the automatic opening system is not connected. Check if the garage door is closed. Then go ahead and lift the door manually. Lifting should be easy. In addition, the garage door must remain fully open. You should call a specialist if you have difficulty opening the door. During this time, the door can get out of balance.  

  1. Perform a test of the attachment mechanism.

You should consider the rollover mechanism if you have a door with an automatic opening system. Place an object in the middle on the floor where you usually knock on the door. Do this while the door is open. This object can be a cardboard or a wooden block.

The door should automatically come back into contact with the object. This should be done after activating the opener transmitter.  

  1. Perform a photocell test

A door with an automatic opener containing a photocell security system should be reversed whenever an object breaks the system beam. This test can be done with an item such as a tennis racket or a broom. By simply shaking this object, the door must be reversed.

If this does not happen, close the door. Cheer up and clean your eyes with a soft, dry cloth. Make sure the eyes in the photo are aligned correctly.

  1. External control

Clean the outside of the door with a clean sponge or soft cloth. A pipe or a bucket is ideal if you have a wooden door. Then check if the paint needs to be replaced.

  1. Check the seals

Stamps can save you money spent on utility bills. In addition, they are ecological. Be sure to install seals if you have not done so. They must be attached to the bottom edge of the door.

We recommend that you contact a specialist if one of these checks does not appear to be correct. A walk under a moving garage door or even a standing under a moving gate should never happen. Never let your children play or use the garage door opener.

Do not go ahead and do things you're not sure about. Instead, contact a qualified technician. He or she will inspect the garage door on your behalf. For a yearly maintenance you can pay a small fee. This guarantees that every problem you have will be corrected immediately.

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