
Prevention is the key to a healthy smile | CraigDailyPress.com

Regular dental care is an important part of children's overall health. Call 970-824-8000 to schedule your child's teeth cleaning with Northwest Colorado Health. (Courtesy Photo / Northwest Colorado Health)

When it comes to healthy teeth, prevention is paramount. Visits to the dentist shouldn't just be for emergencies. By focusing on good oral hygiene, you will have fewer dental emergencies, less expensive dental procedures, and ultimately help you keep your teeth. Visiting a dentist or a dental hygienist regularly to clean your teeth helps prevent tooth decay and gum disease, the two main causes of tooth loss.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one in four adults in the US has untreated tooth decay. In addition, almost half of all adults over 30 show signs of gum disease.

Dental hygienists focus on preventive dental health and the treatment of gum disease. A visit to the hygienist includes a professional teeth cleaning to remove plaque and tartar that can cause tooth decay and gum disease. A lot happens to your teeth and gums that you can't see, but regular visits can help spot oral health problems early on. And hygienists can offer advice on proper home care to keep your teeth and gums healthy and avoid costly dental problems. This contains:

  • Brush your teeth with fluoride toothpaste twice a day. Bacteria in the mouth can cause plaque to build up, which wears out the tooth and causes tooth decay. If left untreated, the bacteria found in the mouth can potentially spread to other parts of the body, which can complicate chronic diseases such as diabetes or heart disease. Brushing your teeth after meals, and especially before bed, helps fight bacteria and prevent them from staying on your teeth. Remember to brush your tongue to remove bacteria and keep your breath fresh.
  • Make a habit of flossing yourself. Each tooth has five sides, so that when you brush your teeth, only about half of the tooth surface is cleaned. Floss clean between your teeth and only takes a few minutes a day.
  • Use a mouthwash. Mouthwashes contain antibacterial ingredients that can help prevent gum disease and fluoride to prevent tooth decay. A dental hygienist can recommend the best type of mouthwash for you. Using a mouth rinse between brushes will protect your teeth and gums longer.
  • Cut down on sugary and acidic foods and drinks. Sugar reacts with plaque bacteria and produces harmful acids that can stick to teeth. Avoiding sugary and processed foods and eating a balanced diet high in vitamins, minerals, fresh fruits and vegetables can help prevent gum disease, which causes bad breath and tooth loss.
  • Stop smoking. Smoking and tobacco use can have many negative health effects, including damage to the mouth, gums, and teeth. Smoking can lead to gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer.

Northwest Colorado Health provides integrated preventive dental care for patients of all ages at its Craig and Steamboat Springs community health centers. Established dental patients at Northwest Colorado Health are encouraged to schedule regular cleanings to help prevent dental problems. Prevention can include examinations, cleaning, x-rays, fluoride varnish, sealants and training. We accept most insurance, including Medicaid. People with little or no insurance can use the customer service program to reduce service costs. Call 970-824-8000 for more information or visit Northwestcoloradohealth.org/dental.

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