
How to remove cat hair from clothes in the washing machine - Wamiz

We all love our feline friends. We let them lie on our beds , roll around on our furniture, and sit on our laps for hugs and cuddles . But the only downside is that it can end up covering everything in cat hair and clogging the machine's filter.

While getting rid of pet hair isn't as easy as throwing it all in the washing machine, removing cat hair from clothes in the washing machine is easier than you might think. Here are our top tips for removing cat hair from clothes in the washing machine.

Does the washing machine remove cat hair?

The good news is that your washing machine can effectively remove pet hair from your clothes . However, you can expect better results and reduce the risk of clogging your machine's filters if you try to remove as much hair as possible from your clothes before putting them in the washing machine. A quick way to get started is to simply shake out as much hair as possible from your clothes before putting them in the machine. To remove even more hair and hair, you can also try:

lint rollers

Lint rollers make it easy to remove cat hair from all types of clothing and upholstery . You can use them on your clothes before putting them in the washing machine.

fabric brushes

Some fabric brushes are a great alternative to lint rollers , especially on more delicate fabrics, to remove pet hair before washing.

rubber gloves

Put on a damp rubber glove and gently rub your clothing or fabric to remove hair, fur, and lint from the fabric that you can pick up and throw away.

scotch tape

It just takes a little tape to quickly and easily remove cat hair from your clothes . Avoid using thick tape that can leave a sticky residue. But regular tape will do.

drying cycle

You may be more used to using the dryer after the washing machine, but running a load of laundry through a dryer cycle before washing will loosen cat fur, allowing it to build up in the wash tub . The anti-static properties of all dryer sheets also help repel hair and trap it in the dryer's lint trap.

How to remove cat hair from clothes in the washing machine

You may not be able to remove all of the cat hair from your clothes before you put them in the washing machine. However, there are some really handy little tools you can use in your washer and dryer to help catch the rest of that pesky fur.


FurZappers are reusable silicone sticky molds that collect hair and fur (even human hair) during a wash or dry cycle. Just throw them in your washer or dryer and the FurZapper will gently remove your cat's fur from your clothes. Although they can be used with wool dryer balls, it is best not to use them with dryer sheets as they can end up sticking to the FurZappers.

depilatory balls for pets

Dryer balls help remove cat hair , dander, and lint from clothes and anything else you put in the washer or dryer. Although most dryer balls are reusable, they come in a variety of materials, including plastic, wool, rubber, foam, and Velcro.

What dissolves pet hair in the washing machine?

While your beloved cat's fur can cover your clothes, it can also clump up and clog both your washing machine and drains. But no worry. There are easy ways to dissolve pet hair in the washing machine . For example:

distilled vinegar

Adding a cup of distilled white vinegar to your wash cycle will help loosen hair and skin and keep clothes clean. It also acts as an excellent disinfectant and deodorant. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can always add a few drops of a pet-friendly essential oil.

let's go

Vamoosh uses active oxygen to dissolve cat fur in the washing machine, leaving your pet's clothes, blankets and bedding clean and free of fur. Simply add a sachet or two to your machine drawer and your regular detergent and select a long hot cycle.

Clean your washer and dryer regularly

If you frequently have problems with cat fur on your clothes, keep your washer and dryer as clean as possible . Get in the habit of cleaning the inside of your washer and dryer regularly. You can also run your washing machine on a short rinse cycle to ensure it stays clean. Don't forget to clean your dryer's lint screen after each load , and if you think you're dealing with a particularly "dirty" load, it's a good idea to turn off the dryer and turn it halfway to do so to clean the sieve.

So here it is. Whether on the way to the office or just to the supermarket, with our practical tips you can avoid cat hair and look great. Almost as good as your cat.

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