
6 Gutter Cleaning Tips to Avoid Disasters - Newsday

Gutter cleaning is an essential job that will help prevent foundation damage, leaks, and other serious problems. Although removing debris from gutters sounds easy, this task can be dangerous if not done properly, especially since you'll likely be working at the top of a ladder. It's even more risky if your house has a high ceiling or you've never done the job before.

To avoid costly mistakes and dangerous situations, homeowners need to follow a few gutter cleaning rules.

Clean gutters often

According to Chris Counahan, President of LeafFilter Gutter Protection, one of the most common mistakes homeowners make when it comes to gutter maintenance is simply not cleaning them as often as they should. At least twice a year is the typical recommendation, but more frequent cleanings may be required depending on your landscape.

"For example, if your house is surrounded by trees, you'll need to have your gutters fixed more than twice a year because they're exposed to more debris and leaves," he says.

Choose the right time

Timing is also important to ensure your drainage system is working properly when needed. Plan to clean gutters before periods when inclement weather is common in your area. For many places, this means cleaning out the gutters every spring and fall from summer storms and harsh winter conditions.

wear protective gear

You shouldn't touch a pile of dirty, rotting leaves with your bare hands. Wear heavy-duty work gloves to keep your hands clean and to protect yourself from sharp objects that may be hiding in the debris. Rubber-soled shoes with good traction can also help prevent slipping on the stairs. And don't forget your glasses.

Obey ladder safety

A fall from a ladder can result in serious injury or even death, so proper safety precautions are vital when cleaning gutters. Before use, carefully inspect the ladder and make sure the base is firm and level before climbing up. If possible, have someone hold the end of the ladder to ensure stability. If you don't have a helper, tell someone else that you will use a ladder in case of an accident.

While standing on the ladder, try to keep your hips between the side rails for balance and to avoid hyperextension. "Always move the ladder to a new location rather than going deeper into the gully to avoid potential falls," says Counahan.

Use the right tools

Picking up leaves and debris from gutters with gloved hands can be effective, but certain tools can make the job that much easier. For example, a shop vacuum equipped with a gutter cleaning attachment can help quickly remove light debris, such as leaves or pine needles, from gutters. For heavier buildup, some homeowners prefer to use a pressure washer to remove debris from gutters. However, if you are unsure about using the tool, your best bet is to clean your gutters by hand or hire a professional to do the job.

Install gutter protection

Make cleaning easier by preventing debris from clogging gutters in the first place. Often made of wire mesh or perforated metal, gutter guards catch leaves, tree droppings, and other debris while allowing water to flow freely through the home's drainage system. If you live in a tree-dense area or neglect gutter cleaning, a gutter guard can be a worthwhile investment.

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