
How to clean your Keurig coffee maker step by step - Mundo de Mujeres

I don't know about you, but my Keurig coffee maker is a lifesaver. I'm not a morning person, so a cup of coffee that's ready in less than three minutes is easy — I just pop the little K-Cup in the machine and the rest happens like magic — making pre-dawn life that little bit easier . My Keurig was a bit pricey, but honestly, it was 100% worth the investment. That means it's not completely maintenance free. Like anything in the kitchen, it requires some maintenance to keep it in top condition. If you're new to Keurig maintenance, read on for everything you need to know, including cleaning.

Why should I clean my Keurig?

Like all kitchen appliances, your Keurig coffee maker (or Keurig coffee maker) will accumulate dust and dirt over time. It is important to remove the detachable parts and hand wash them regularly as you would a traditional coffee pot. Keurigs and all coffee makers should also be flushed regularly to remove mineral deposits that form when the water is heated.

While the build-up of scale in your coffee maker (aka scale) is normal and non-toxic, this mineral buildup can affect your Keurig's performance and result in a less than stellar cup of coffee, hot chocolate, or tea . For this reason, it is advisable to clean your machine with a mild detergent solution at least once a month. Also, every time you descale your Keurig, wipe out the water tank and check the water filter, K-Cup holder, and drip tray for coffee grounds or debris. Making sure your coffee maker is clean is the best way to keep your coffee flavor fresh even after countless brewing cycles. So how exactly do you descale a Keurig? Here is a step-by-step guide.

Step Zero: Identify your Keurig

There are many different brands and models of Keurig, and the descaling process varies slightly for everyone. In order to properly clean your machine, you must first determine which ones you have. Here I will guide you through the exact steps to descale a SMART, Traditional or K-Duo coffee machine. If you have a different model, e.g. B. K-Slim, K-Express or K-Supreme, refer to the Keurig website for cleaning instructions.

SMART brewer

If you have a SMART coffee maker, including the K-Cafe SMART, K-Supreme SMART and K-Supreme Plus SMART, you have an advantage: your coffee maker will notify you when it needs to be descaled. Once the descaling message appears on the screen, follow these instructions.

First step: Prepare your coffee machine for descaling

If your machine has a water filter in the water tank, remove it. Now you can start the descaling process. When the screen tells you your machine needs cleaning, press the left arrow, then NEXT and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to descale your Keurig. If you want to clean your Keurig more often than your device recommends, you can access the same prompts by opening Settings (press both arrows at the same time) and selecting Descaling mode.

Second step: It's time to descale

Empty your Keurig's hot coffee pod holder and pour the descaler into the water reservoir. You can use Keurig descaling solution (available on their website and most places that sell Keurigs) or a mixture of equal parts water and distilled white vinegar. If you choose the Keurig solution, pour the entire bottle into the clean water reservoir. Then fill the bottle with water and add that to the tank as well.

Now you want to brew the coffee machine until the water tank is empty again. Press the BREW button, fill a cup, empty the cup into the sink and repeat until the tank is empty and the screen prompts you to add water. If you skip this step, you'll miss out on the best coffee possible ; Brewing right after a regular cleaning cycle removes residue that would otherwise make your coffee taste like vinegar.

Third step: rinse with fresh water

After you have used all of the softener, remove the water tank, rinse and fill with fresh water. Now reassemble the Keurig and follow the same process as before, brewing and emptying a cup of plain water until the machine is empty again. The display will say "Descale Complete" when you have thoroughly cleaned your Keurig.

traditional brewers

Traditional Keurig brewers, including the K-Classic®, K-Café, K-Café® Special Edition, K-Latte®, K-Elite®, K-Compact® and K-Select® brewers, can be descaled just like stand-alone coffee brewers will. serve manufacturers SMART (with just a few adjustments).

First step: rinse with a descaler

Turn off the brewer, empty the tank and refill with a descaler (as shown in step 2 of the SMART brewer section). Remember: You can use a Keurig descaling solution or a homemade mix of equal parts water and distilled white vinegar.

Second step: Soak the inner tank

When you have used up all the fabric softener and the "add water" light is on, leave it on for half an hour. Do not turn off the machine. Rinse the water tank well after 30 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse with fresh water

Similar to step three of the SMART Coffee Maker section, you will now want to run some cold water through your coffee maker. Completely fill the reservoir with water and brew at least 12 times with the largest brew volume, even if it means refilling the reservoir.

K-Duo series

How to remove mineral deposits from your Keurig K-Duo including K-Duo™ Essentials™, K-Duo™, K-Duo™ Special Edition and K-DuoPlus™.

Step one: rinse out the cleaner

As with traditional and SMART-style coffee makers, you start by turning off the coffee maker and filling the water reservoir with your descaler. Be careful not to add ground coffee or K-cups to the brewer. Next, place a cup on the drip tray and select "OZ/POD" to activate the single cup side of the machine. Press "12" to start a single cup rinse. When the cup is full, throw it in the sink. Then place a jug on the hot plate, press the CUPS/JAR button and press 12 to start. This prepares a jug rinse. When the carafe is full, empty it into the sink and press the "CUP/JAR" button again to turn off the warming plate.

Second step: Soak the inner tank

After rinsing the cup side and carafe side of your Keurig, allow the water tank to sit for at least half an hour.

Step 3: Rinse with fresh water

Next, fill the fresh water tank to the maximum mark and prepare a jug of fresh water. When you're done, turn off the hotplate and empty the carafe into the sink. Repeat this for at least four rinses to ensure the descaler is completely removed. (If you find that your coffee tastes unpleasant or sour after descaling, it may be that the vinegar or descaling solution wasn't rinsed out sufficiently. To fix this, brew a few more fresh brews of water.)

More tips for a complete deep clean

While how often you need to descale your Keurig depends on the model, you should regularly clean it in a different way to prevent clogs and the build-up of mold and coffee grounds. Clean all detachable parts such as the drip tray and water tank (on some models) and scrub thoroughly with fresh water and white distilled vinegar or dish soap. Avoid bleach as it can be toxic or caustic if not rinsed properly; Soapy water will do.

It is important to clean the drip tray and rinse the pod holder frequently; They are generally dishwasher safe. If your Keurig appears to be clogged, use a Keurig needle cleaning tool (or clip) to remove any debris that has built up on the needle, which is the passageway beneath the pod holder. Pass the tool through both ends of the needle, then rinse under fresh water to ensure your coffee pot isn't clogged.

Taking good care of your Keurig will extend the life of your brewer and ensure your morning cup of coffee tastes as fresh as possible. Cleaning different parts of the machine can be a chore, but it pays to have a delicious cup of coffee on hand.

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