
Fountain Green receives donations and support for cleanup after devastating flood - KSL TV

FOUNTAIN GREEN, Sanpete County – Fountain Green officials have a clearer picture of the damage following major flooding over the weekend.

As of Thursday afternoon, Mayor Mark Coombs told KSL TV the city had identified 167 homes affected by flooding and another 126 remained to be examined.

Overall, Coombs estimates that between 50 and 60 percent of homes in Fountain Green, home to just over a thousand people, were damaged by Sunday's flooding, when three inches of rain fell in just one hour.

"It's a good part of town," Coombs said.

More than half of Fountain Green was affected by flooding over the weekend, city officials say

As people clean up, the city receives unexpected donations to help those who need to repair their damaged homes. Two companies have reached out to provide free plates to Fountain Green families.

A representative from one of those companies, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he did not want to acknowledge the donation, told KSL TV that his building materials company plans to send a sheetrock semi-trailer to Fountain Green next week.

"It's the least we can do," he said. "I hope this helps them, helps them a little and helps them overcome this tragedy." »

Others offered money and supplies to help the community rebuild, Coombs said.

"Where should I start? »

Bobbi and David Hughes-Millman are among those affected by the flooding. His basement filled with water during Sunday's storm. They had recently finished renovating their home.

"We finally felt like we could relax," Bobbi Hughes-Millman said through tears. "You don't think that you have to start all over again and that your house has to be fixed all over again. »

David Hughes-Millman is an artist. Many of his works were damaged or destroyed.

"It's chaos," he said of the flooding. "And then when you try to think, 'Okay, I have to start,' where do I start?"

Now everyone is trying to dry off. Even the city library was affected by the flooding, it was closed and after-school programs were discontinued.

And it can still rain on Thursday and Friday.

"We hope it doesn't rain," said Mayor Coombs. "We just wanted to be as prepared as possible. We put up lots of sandbags to try to keep the water away from the houses so they don't come under attack again.

This is going to be a long cleanup. The city of Fountain Green and Sanpete County have declared natural disasters and are hoping for funding from the state.

But right now they rely on volunteers and kindness.

"It shows the spirit of the people who live in Utah," Coombs said.

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