
7 tips for spring cleaning during the corona virus

April is the best time for spring cleaning. But how it looks for many of us this year is different than in previous years. Perhaps you've been cleaning thoroughly every day since you first heard about the corona virus. Or maybe you were so busy with work and home classes that you didn't have time to do anything other than clean counters and occasionally fold a load of clothes. This year, of course, it's not just about storing and removing a layer of winter dust and dirt, but also about disinfecting our rooms.

Regardless of what you have to do with spring cleaning this year (or not), we've put together seven of our best tips and tricks for spring cleaning so you can get the most from your efforts.

Would you like more hacks and cleaning procedures? Be sure to visit our cleaning center for more information on our best cleaning tips .

Disinfect floors without strong detergents

Regular disinfection of floors is an important step in spring cleaning this year, as it kills all the bacteria that you have discovered on your shoes. One of our favorite household cleaning brackets for this task is steam wipers. Not only do they make cleaning easier, but the hot steam temperature also disinfects the floors during the process.

Clean your oven with a lemon

In general, cleaning your oven is as easy as setting the oven and leaving the house for a few hours. But since going out in the afternoon is not an option and the smell of a self-cleaning cycle can quickly become overwhelming when trapped inside, we have a better option.

Here is our tip for cleaning the oven without using the self-cleaning setting:

  • Cut four or five in half
  • Press the juice with the squeezed lemon halves onto a baking sheet or baking sheet.
  • Set the oven to 450 ° F and cook the lemons for 30 minutes.
  • The lemon steam cleans your oven with steam and loosens dirt.
  • When it is cold, clean the oven with a damp sponge.

Cleaning windows indoors and outdoors is a must for spring cleaning. We have the ability to make them glow even if you haven't had a chance to fill your window cleaner (or are out of stock at your local grocery store).

How do you clean windows without window cleaners? With vinegar. Here's how:

  • Fill a bucket or spray bottle with 1 part water to 1 part vinegar.
  • Wear rubber gloves, spray the cleaner on the windows and wipe it with a paper towel or clean the solution on the window with a sponge. Make sure you only apply it to the glass and avoid the frames.
  • Rinse off with clean water.
  • The use of a squeegee is essential for good results. Work down from the top of the window and clean the edge of the squeegee with a lint-free cloth after each pass through the window.
  • Polish the glass with a microfiber cloth to ensure that the window is free of scratches.

Wash your pillows

Allergy season is never fun, but especially at a time when hay fever can mimic the inferior symptoms of a global pandemic. An effective way to keep allergies (and the fear they could cause) at bay is to wash soft items and textiles like pillows. Cushions are fertile ground for mites, especially when the weather is warmer and wetter, and they can catch everything from pollen to dander. If you clean them regularly, you can breathe more easily.

For more information, see our instructions for cleaning cushions.

Get the veranda or terrace in top shape

If you haven't used your patio or garden since September, now is the time to scrub them thoroughly to remove any algae, mold, or mildew that has accumulated over the winter. While a pressure washer is great for this job if you can get one, you can also use a patio cleaner and a stiff brush to get equally spectacular results.

We love this clean playground for hard work, or you can make a couple of tablespoons of bleach diluted powder in a bucket of water. (Bleaches like OxiClean don't kill nearby vegetation like bleach.)

Clean the washing machine

Cleaning your washing machine is a great spring cleaning task that you can add to your list as it is important that most people almost never do it and it is almost completely hands-free (i.e. - just say your list to check if, like us, he likes making lists so he can cross them off.)

When you clean your washing machine, it runs more efficiently, removes accumulated odor and disinfects it if someone in your home is sick. How to clean it: Just add your normal detergent and start an empty cleaning or maintenance cycle. If your machine does not have one pre-programmed, simply do an empty hot wash. That's it! Ideally, once a month to get the best results.

Disinfect with a CDC approved cleaner that you can do at home

We don't have to tell you that disinfecting your home should be an important part of your spring cleaning routine this year. In the event that you can't get your favorite disinfectant like Lysol spray on your hands, here's an alternative: Better do a DIY disinfectant . All you need is bleach, water and a spray bottle or bucket.

To make an effective bleach solution, you need to mix a third of a cup of bleach per gallon of water or four teaspoons of bleach per liter of water . Keep the surface moist for 10 minutes to ensure that the germs are killed, and then wipe it off as usual.

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