
Closet cleaning: simple tips for messing up

We were all there.

You open your closet in the morning and cannot find the garment that you knew you wanted to wear.

When this happens, it is a sure sign that your closet needs a good disorganization session.

And believe me, once you've tidied up your closet, you'll feel a lot better with your closet options.

An important thing to remember is that overfilling a closet is not a 10-minute task.

I suggest taking a day or two to get it right.

Spending your deserved time in your closet to do a thorough cleaning will save you time choosing your ideal outfit and make you feel better in your room.

If you clean your closet, you will also find that there are clothes that you no longer wear, that do not fit anymore and that went out of fashion many years ago.

I like to clean my closet at least once a year.

I get used to it and do my best to stay there.

Here are some tried and tested tips that I use to clean and tidy up my personal closet:


Before I start ordering, I prepare to ask some difficult questions.

This helps me decide what I want to keep in the closet and what items need a new home.

Sometimes these questions seem the most difficult to answer, but they give the best results.

Here are my essential questions that every piece of clothing asks:

• Is it comfortable?

• Will it continue to work?

• When was the last time I used it?

• Can I live without?

• Should I be seen by people like this?

• I love him

• Is it damaged or stained?

I often find that the most difficult question to answer is whether a piece of clothing projects the right image.

Should I let people see me?

We have all of these articles; those for lazy days at home.

But they don't have to make up most of their wardrobe.

Remember that your storage space is limited unless you have a complete house for your clothes.

You really don't want to waste the space you have.


If you really want to clean up your closet, you need to know what you already have.

And the only way to do this is to delete everything.

Start with an empty closet.

It will be your messy canvas.

When you've got everything out of your closet, clean it well.

Clean the shelves and replace the shelf linings.

Then put a box aside on the floor.

With this box you can place everything that no longer meets your wardrobe requirements.


Now that you have a canvas to work with, you need to know what you are working with.

Collect all clothes.

Check it out and answer the difficult questions. When did I use it? Is it still comfortable? Is it stained?

If the garment meets all the requirements, you can stay.

If not, then it goes into the box.

After cleaning

Once your mess is over, you'll get a closet full of clothes you wear and a box full of clothes you don't wear.

I donate clothes that I no longer wear, but you can also sell clothes online.

Otherwise, organize an exchange and a party with your friends.

Everyone brings a bottle of wine and a box of clothes that they no longer use.

All you have to do is mix a little wine and change.

Information provided by Judy. For more information about Judy, please visit www.empoweredbystyle.co.za or go to [ secure email].

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