
6 tips for good hygiene in greenhouse horticulture

Given the constant occurrence of viruses, pests and diseases in greenhouse horticulture, greenhouse hygiene is an important and much discussed topic. Clean hands, clean machines and clean water guarantee a clean greenhouse and therefore also clean harvests. Steenks Service offers some tips for hygienic work in greenhouse horticulture.

Disinfection door at the entrance to the greenhouse
A disinfection door (hygiene station) is one of the most important tools in the greenhouse. By allowing all visitors and staff to use the disinfection door at the entrance to the greenhouse, you minimize the risk of diseases entering the greenhouse. At the hygiene station, hands and shoe soles are disinfected with a disinfectant.

Work hygienically with a container
If you work in a greenhouse, it's also important to sanitize your hands regularly. The Berkvens immersion tank can be mounted on various types of tubular rail cars. Due to the timer installed in the machine, the railcar stops frequently, after which the employee can disinfect his hands. In this way you can be sure that your employees are working hygienically.

Clean the growing soil
Are you using a ground cover to cover your arable land or container field? To prevent diseases and pests, it is important to clean the cloth well during the harvest change. Doing this manually takes a lot of time. Nor does it give the same result as with mechanical execution. With Stefix 135 from Steenks Service, the flooring can be cleaned quickly and efficiently. The machine leaves no marks or damage on soft or uneven floors and can process up to 10,000 square meters per hour.

Thoroughly clean your machines
The machines and tools used in the greenhouse should also be cleaned thoroughly on a regular basis. Frekofix (a detergent) is ideal for this. Green pigments, smoke spots, oils, fats and algae have completely disappeared.

Clean greenhouse windows
You can easily clean greenhouse windows with a greenhouse roof cleaner. Steenks Service offers machines for the inside and outside cleaning of greenhouse windows. A greenhouse roof cleaner will clean your windows properly and make hard-to-reach places easily accessible.

Develop a hygiene plan
In order to ensure good hygiene in the greenhouse, the risks must be identified and a hygiene plan drawn up. A hygiene plan describes which measures are to be taken in the company and when they must be followed. Of course, hygiene should be checked regularly to reinforce the hygiene protocol if necessary.

For more informations:
Steenks service
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2678 LH De Lier
The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 174 510 266
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