
Tips for getting back to work

  1. Make a list of current projects before you start working

Not being in the office for a long time is one way to get a person in the mood for the holidays and get away from everyday activities. However, with a list of the projects you've run, you have a point of reference where to start. Note that your list should include all of the projects you are working on and their respective statuses. It doesn't matter if you're waiting for feedback, a draft proposal, a customer response, or a chronological report. Everything should be on your list.

It is also wise to have a priority list for each project you plan to tackle. As you write your list, keep in mind that priorities at work change quickly. However, this list will give you a better idea of ​​what is important. Charles Hunter Associates delves into the changing job landscape after Covid.

It's a great opportunity to clear part of your to-do list by being honest with yourself. Go past tasks and be honest with calendars that are older than 6 months or don't have time to act on them. With such tasks, you can delegate them or simply delete them.

  1. Delegate things or projects that can't wait

Of course there are things that cannot wait for your return. Good examples are customer-based cases, reports or appointments. Therefore, if you are unable to meet these requirements, it is a good idea to delegate them to someone else and make sure that you have covered or mentioned the person who will be responsible for the execution of a particular assignment. In doing so, make sure they are fully familiar with the details of the job, information, efficiency, or technical knowledge. It is also a good idea to let your boss, who is responsible for each task, know to keep it formal.

  1. Set up voicemail and out-of-office email

Many people tend to overlook this point until the last minute. Don't be one of those guys; Gmail and Outlook allow a person to schedule a vacation notification in advance. There are so many courier companies out there doing the same thing. Make sure to set the preferences that allow you to review your messages while you are away. Also leave another contact person for emergencies.

  1. Request updates the day before you return to work

This trick may or may not work depending on your current relationship with your manager. However, having a summary of all the important information you need to know before you return to work will help you focus and work more efficiently. In most cases, a manager needs a reminder. So take advantage of it. again by scheduling emails to be sent automatically to remind you.

The other alternative is to request a quick meeting with your manager who will help you regroup and focus on the most pressing projects. This should be done the first morning when you return to work.

  1. Cleaning before leaving

This tip applies to both your home and your workplace. Before you go on vacation or leave, you should archive all the contracts that have been on your desk for a long time, organize the notes on your desk and put your mail away. However, this does not guarantee that you will have a clean office again, only that you will have a better starting point. This is a great way to ensure that all urgent tasks have been delegated.

Spend a few hours sitting at home preparing your brain for work . Many people do not focus on housework during vacation or free time. To get in the mood, spend a few hours cleaning, vacuuming, cleaning the fridge, and more. I want to make sure that I can stock up on small snacks that I can eat to boost my energy. Put simply, cleaning is a great way to know where to start or where to continue.

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