
Tips for cleaning new granite floors

DEAR READERS: If you 've just laid a new granite floor in your driveway and don't know how to clean it, this is the best way to go.

Always dust the floor frequently with an untreated dry mop to remove dirt, grit, and grit that can damage the surface. Use a detergent with a neutral pH value and warm water for thorough cleaning. You can apply it with a clean mop. Never use too much cleaner as this can leave a film. Rinse thoroughly and dry with a soft cloth.

Never use acidic cleaners (orange, lemon, or abrasives) on this type of stone. Read the cleaning labels carefully. To maintain this floor, place a mat or rug in the driveway with a non-slip pad to limit the amount of abrasive grain that can be returned to the surface.

DEAR READERS: If you like the taste of honey, you can use it in your kitchen. Here are two recipes that you may not have tried. The best part is that they are quick and easy to do.

1. For dinner, mix honey with apple cider, rub a leg of lamb, then cook as usual.

2. For breakfast, brush lightly buttered toast with fresh ricotta cheese and then sprinkle a dash of honey on top for a delicious and sweet breakfast.

LOVE HELOISE: I use a lot of sponges. They get so smelly and I wonder if it is safe to reuse them. Should i throw it away?

- Beverly in Florida

LOVE BEVERLY: Not necessarily. The reason sponges give off this smell is because bits of food or mold can build up and become trapped in them. Here's how to get rid of this odor. Soak the sponges in a bowl of vinegar for about 10 minutes. Then rinse with cold soapy water. Squeeze them completely and let them dry. But if they still smell, throw them out. Instead, allocate some sponges for the kitchen, bathroom, or deep cleaning. It is better to change them often.

DEAR READERS: If you have leftovers a lot and don't want to waste or throw away food, try this idea to reuse the great food you have cooked. Instead, use it again by making TV dinners.

Find out how to do it. Buy microwaveable plastic sheets with compartments.

Place the remaining servings on each section of the plates. You can spice them up or add another side dish. Then put them in freezer bags and label them. When you need a quick meal, take out what you want to eat and put it in the microwave. You have a quick and healthy meal for your family.

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