
3 things for better health

1. There is still time to register for Move it for Mental Health, to reduce the virtual event to build a community movement to the associated mental health stigma. This is the first event for Crow Wing Energized with a choice of 1 mile, 5 km or 10 km for participants. Participants can run, run, kayak, ride, swim, or jump. The goal is to get people moving. In addition, one of the five nonprofits is eligible to receive a percentage of event proceeds based on the votes of Move it for Mental Health attendees. People can register their times and between Saturday 19 and 26 September. Registration for the event is possible on September 26th until 11:59 pm. One last chance to win the race and receive the goodie bag is September 3-5 on September 28 at 303 Kingwood St. in Brainerd. Register at https://bit.ly/307azaD .

The five eligible nonprofits are: The Lighthouse Project, Smiles for Jake,

Well-being in the forest, bridges of hope and crisis line.

2. Wondering how often should you clean items in your home? I'm glad you asked. WebMD made a list. Clean the smartphone daily and the TV remote control weekly. The list included other basics like cleaning kitchen tables and bathrooms every day. Clean ceiling fans, toothbrushes, and refrigerators quarterly. Carpets are listed as weekly. Dry furniture, dishwashers and makeup brushes should be cleaned monthly.

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3. Wide awake in the middle of the night? WebMD lists a few tips to help you get back to sleep. The first is not to look at the clock to tell you how long you cannot sleep. Don't activate your smartphone or tablet to check Twitter or your latest fantasy football moves. The blue light from these screens is a signal for your brain to wake up.

"If you've been awake for 20 minutes or more, you may want to get up and get up. Move to another room without turning on bright lights. Do not turn on the TV. Instead, do something peaceful and calming. Recommended options include reading or taking a deep breath, stretching, and going to bed while you sleep. People want to choose their reading materials carefully so they don't have to stay up all night. WebMD also says that you are not tempted to work or stay ahead of housework, which can increase the likelihood of a wake trend setting in. For brains that don't stop, try counting down.

For more tips on the weekly three- thing list, see the Weekly Monday Motivator page in the mail-order or online edition, or at www.brainerddispatch.com and navigate to Lifestyle to access the Health drop-down menu. or search for the keywords "Monday Motivator".

Questions or tips to share? Contact Renee Richardson, Editor-in-Chief at renee.richardson@brainerddispatch.com or 218-855-5852.

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