
How to clean gold jewelry and ornaments

Stop rubbing your gold! The soft precious metal cannot resist the tricks of the baking soda that can revive old jewelry . You can clean your solid gold coins with ultrasonic cleaners (no gems, please!). If you don't have one, however, there are two household items you can use to clean the gold: mild dish soap and a clean toothbrush. Brushes with soft bristles, e.g. B. for small children or sensitive teeth, it is best to avoid accidentally scratching the gold surface. How to give your gold accessories proper cleaning.


Dawn Ultra Liquid Dish Soap

Sunrise walmart.com

$ 3.74


  • Clean toothbrush with soft bristles
  • Mild washing-up liquid
  • bowl
  • water
  • Microfiber clothing

    Prepare a cleaning bath

    Fill a container with four cups of warm water. Add a teaspoon of mild soap and stir until the surface foams. Put your gold coins in the bowl. Let the gold soak for an hour. After the gold has been in the cleaning bath for an hour, remove the gold coins and examine the hardest and most blotchy areas.

    how to clean gold with dish soap

    Belle House / Sara Rodrigues

    Remove errors

    With the coins still submerged in the soapy water bath, use a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently brush the surface of the gold, being careful not to press too hard. As soon as the visible tarnish has been removed, stop brushing! The higher the percentage of gold in your coin, the easier it is to hit and scratch.

    Rinse the gold coins with clean water until the soap is removed. Polish and dry your gold coins with a microfiber cloth until they are shiny.

    how to clean and polish gold

    Belle House / Sara Rodrigues

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