
Get a head start on spring cleaning Frugal families

Carlie Faulk | Frugal families

I traditionally publish my spring cleaning lists this week. Twice a year, I really enjoy going through everything in our house and getting rid of what we don't need. That way I can judge what we need to replace, how big it is or whether we are not using it and it can be sold.

I would like to say I'm doing a yard sale with these items, but with the COVID times, I'm selling more contactlessly on my social media channels. Let's talk about ways to scour your home for a good spring cleaning and organization so you can sell some of your old stuff.

1. Make a plan

It's still my number one. I love lists when you can't tell. I am writing a list of all the places in our house that need to be ordered. Laundry room, cupboards and garage included!

2. Divide in order to conquer

I like to occupy one room at a time. Sometimes I do two or three fields a day when they are small. Otherwise I assign each area of ​​the house to a weekday: clean, clean and organize each room in its entirety.

3. Make sales and donation boxes.

I like to sort them by donation points and let them sell. For example, I always give the clothes to a specific family, but all other donations go to different charities. Of course, we always have a giveaway and a recycling box.

4. Be sensible

Cleaning and organizing is not the time to be sentimental. Do yourself a favor and remember that you don't have to keep everything.

TIP: When you sell your items, take bright, clear photos and a detailed description. This way your ad will look better and stand out from the crowd.

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