
How to become the perfect plant father

Adding plants to your home not only beautifies your space but also improves your mood - a welcome perk amid the coronavirus pandemic , local experts say.

"It might be an exaggeration to say that having a factory on your desk from home improves your prospects for the day, but I think a lot of people will say yes," said Lindsey Swett, owner of Niche , a Boston boutique and garden center Cambridge.

"Anything that grows gives you a sense of optimism," said Julio César Román, owner of Micro Plant Studio in Boston. "That was very nice for me."


In advance, the experts offer five tips for caring for your native plants.

1. Think about the sunlight in your home.

The amount of sunlight in your home should guide your plant choices, experts said.

"Light is really one of the most important things to consider," said Swett. "And that will determine what you are capable of."

Row houses often have little light, so plants like philodendrons and snakes are good options, Swett said. Plants that do well in medium or filtered light include peace lilies, starfish, and ZZ plants, Roman said.

If there is a serious lack of light in your room, it's worth looking for a grow light that is artificial light that mimics sunlight, Swett said.

"The options are endless," he says. "Some are light bulbs that you plug into your lamp. There are companies out there that make some really cool plug-in pendant lights that are really spotlights or track lights that you can hang from the ceiling and display an entire wall of plants. ""

Snake plants, philodendrons, ZZ plants, and pothos are great "starter plants" because they're easy to care for, Swett said.

"We sell a lot of them," he says. "Especially for people who come in and just want something but don't know what."


It's always a good idea to speak to your local plant expert about a plant's needs before bringing it home, experts said.

2. Choose a non-toxic plant if you have pets.

Pet owners worried about their furry friends can choose from many non-toxic plants on the market, experts said.

Ideal plants for pet owners include bird's nest fern, spider plant, peperomy, bromeliad, money tree plant, calatheas, pileas, heart chain and fittonia, Roman said.

Whichever plant you choose, if your pet is curious and / or very active, consider choosing a hanging plant or putting your newly acquired plant on a high shelf, he said so that your pet doesn't get inside.

3. Understand your plant's water needs.

If you travel frequently or aren't home often, a low-maintenance plant like a succulent plant is best, Roman said. Succulents are plants that hold water in their roots, stems, and leaves.

"They're easy to maintain because you don't have to water them that much," said Roman.

Succulent necklaces - a heart necklace, a pearl necklace, a banana necklace, and a dolphin necklace - are all the rage right now, Roman said.

You can ask your local plant expert about a plant that can be watered every two weeks or every month, such as snakes, cacti, and aloe plants.

While there are special circumstances, a good rule of thumb is to water your plants once a week, not every day, Swett said. When your plant isn't getting the right amount of water, it often shows signs of distress, experts said.

"Some plants turn yellow if they are overwatered," said Roman. "If they are not watered, some leaves will start to fall."


"People can walk on water without even realizing it," said Swett.

If the bottom moves away from the sides of the pot it can be dry, he says, and if the pot is very heavy it can be full of water.

You can measure the moisture in your soil with a toothpick for small plants or a wooden stick for large plants, Roman said. Use a to-go or to-go wand instead of a ready-made wand to make the tool absorbent, he said. Press down the center to the bottom of the soil, but be careful not to damage the root system, he says.

"Turn left and right," says Roman. "If it comes out dry, it means it needs water."

4. Pay attention to when your plant needs to be transplanted.

A plant's roots contain clues as to when it should be transplanted, experts said.

"When a plant needs to be replanted, it can usually say different things," said Roman. "The plant is tied to the roots, and that means the root circles around the pot and is now coming out of the holes or above the pot," he said.

Check the ground too, he said.

"The other thing is that you will start to see a reduction in soil which is mostly a root system and not that much soil," said Roman.

When transplanting, you generally want to get a 2-inch diameter pot, Swett said. If you get too big, you could suffocate your plant with too much soil and water, he said.

Do you want to save money on a bigger pot? Ask your local plant expert about a plastic grow pot that many offer for free because they have so many, Swett said. Then you can dress it up by putting it in a cute basket, she says.

5. Feed your plant.

Most topsoil contains plant foods, Roman said, but it worsens after a while. Plant foods are replacing what plants eat, he said.

Feed your plants plant food at least twice a month, Roman said.

"For the most part, you want to feed the plants," he says. "What you don't want to do is overfeed them."

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