
How to clean a humidifier

Using a humidifier, especially during the dry winter months, will add moisture to the air in your home. Having a humidifier in your bedroom can help keep your skin, nose, lips, throat, and sinuses from drying out overnight and can help you sleep better. Some humidifiers are even designed to fight off bacteria in the air. However, the opposite can happen if your humidifier is not kept clean. A moldy humidifier can damage your health and affect your ability to maintain your Zs.

How often should you clean your humidifier?

It is important that you keep your humidifier clean. Home care experts generally recommend cleaning your humidifier at least once a week . This may seem like an exaggeration, but you really don't want to have mold in your humidifier that can vomit into the air you breathe. If someone in your home has breathing problems such as asthma or severe allergies, the humidifier should be cleaned more frequently.

What will you need

Fortunately, humidifiers are pretty easy to clean. You don't need abrasive cleaners or harsh chemical cleaners to wash a humidifier at home. In fact, you can do it with basic household items. Requires:

  • Distilled white vinegar
  • A small cleaning tool like a toothbrush or a cotton swab.
  • Liquid chlorine bleach (in case you need a thorough clean)

How to clean a humidifier

Each model is slightly different. So be sure to read the instruction manual to understand the details of your humidifier, regardless of whether you are trying to clean a humidifier with hot or cold mist. If you lost the instruction manual, you may be able to find it online by searching for your humidifier make and model, or by contacting the company directly. For the most part, all humidifiers can be adequately cleaned using the same procedure.

  1. Unplug the power cord from the air, remove it and completely empty the tank. Standing water causes mold and bacteria to grow. Make sure you remove the old water. If any part of the machine looks a little dirty or dirty, it means your humidifier is late to clean.
  2. With the humidifier unplugged, fill the water tank as usual, then add 1 to 2 tablespoons of distilled white vinegar to the tank. Turn it over and let the mixture sit in the tank for 30 minutes. When cleaning a humidifier with vinegar, the vinegar acts as a disinfectant. Do the same with the bottom of the humidifier, wash it with the vinegar-water solution and let it sit for half an hour.
  3. Empty the bottom and the tank. Use your brush to remove any leftover grease stains as well as smaller parts of the humidifier like the tank top, a notorious spot for mold.
  4. Rinse all parts thoroughly with water. Then let them air dry before putting them back together.

What about cleaning the humidifier wick?

It is best to avoid cleaning the wick filter in a humidifier. Even if you are sensitive, the dentition can be easily damaged. If the bit is dirty, it is better to replace it.

How to give a humidifier a deeper sterilizing cleanse

If your humidifier has not been cleaned in several months, or if there is visible mold inside, you should clean it more thoroughly with liquid chlorine bleach. If you have a thorough cleaning of your humidifier at home, you can follow the steps outlined above. However, make sure that the bleach and water mix proportions are correct. Mix 1 gallon of water with 1 teaspoon of liquid bleach, then pour about half of this mixture into your humidifier to clean it. Let it sit for at least 20 minutes, then rinse until the bleach odor is completely gone. Clean.

How to service a humidifier

After practicing good humidifier hygiene, here are some general maintenance tips to keep your humidifier running.

  • When your humidifier is not in use, do not allow the water to settle in the tank or the bottom. Remember: standing water forms mold. If you are not actively using your humidifier, empty it completely and make sure it dries completely before putting it away.
  • Replace the filter every 1 to 2 months. The filter is another place where bacteria can build up. If your filter smells or feels fresh, replace it before continuing to use your humidifier. A great way to extend the life of your humidifier filter is to flip it over every time you fill the tank before using it. This will wear the filter more evenly and it will take longer to clean.
  • If you store your humidifier in addition to drying it completely, remove the filter from the machine as it can retain moisture. When disassembling or reassembling your humidifier, be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions.

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