
'It takes two minutes': Ms Hinch fans share 'simple' 14p trick to clean your microwave - Daily Express

, real name Sophie Hinchliffe, rose to fame after posting clever cleaning tips and tricks online. The cleaning influencer now has more than four million followers on Instagram alone. Inspired by the sense of cleanliness, her fans have now created their own Facebook pages where they share cleaning and storage tips. This includes how to clean microwaves.

In a post on Mrs. Hinch's Cleaning Tips Facebook page, a woman asked for advice on how to clean her microwave without harsh chemicals.

Clare Warner wrote: "Hi, how can I please clean a microwave with kibble without using chemicals?"

Microwaves are often widely used devices in everyday life and should be kept clean above all due to their proximity to food.

However, the heavy lifting can be daunting, especially for those short on time.


Bonnie Anne said: "Fill a bowl with water and cut a lemon in half and squeeze the juice into the water and then add the lemon as well.

"Five minutes in the microwave, then everything clears up and smells nice and fresh."

Lisa Flemming commented, "Heat half a lemon with some water in the microwave and it comes out clean and smells good."

"It's so simple and only takes two minutes to clean."

Beth Flower-Jones wrote, "Stir water in a bowl with a halved lemon for about five to 10 minutes and it will fluff up the food and smell fresh."

Rachel Richmond suggested: "Add lemons to water and microwave for two minutes. You need to break up the food for easy cleaning.

Jo Morris explained: "Cut a lemon in half and place in a small bowl of water and microwave until steaming. This will remove all of the fat.

Lorraine Paton agreed: "Fill a bowl of water with lemon slices. Heat for about four minutes. The lemon and the steam loosen up any dry food.

If you don't have fresh lemons, you can always use lemon juice instead.

Lyn Higgins suggested, "Prepare lemon juice in a bowl of water and heat in the microwave until very steamy, then clean."

Jo Jones-Williams wrote: "In a microwave-safe bowl, add boiling water and add lemon juice. Run the microwave for five minutes and the stains will fade.

Brian Summer added: "A bowl of water and lemon juice. Heat until the water turns to steam as this will soften the residue.

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