
Garden cleaning warning: A popular trick can be dangerous, say experts | Expresses

Picture this: The sun is shining, the grill is sizzling, and your favorite drink is ice cold in your hand, but there's a buzzing sound: swarms of flies are attacking the party. While the internet is full of tips to ward off these winged pests, a viral tip has raised alarm among experts about their potential dangers.

The method that has taken TikTok by storm suggests spraying your deck with Pine-Sol and scrubbing it thoroughly. Known for its ability to combat grease and stains, Pine-Sol is a must-have for tough household cleaning jobs.

Its pine scent is important for deterring flies that cannot stand its aroma. But despite the multitude of videos extolling the benefits of the cleaner, professionals advise caution.

"When using Pine-Sol, exposure to steam or mist can irritate the respiratory tract and cause serious eye irritation . Therefore, you should be careful not to let your body come into direct contact with Pine-Sol," warns Hotsy Equipment Company , cleaning company expert.

For those wary of chemical solutions, there are plenty of alternative fly repellents, reports the Mirror .

One such option is to mix about 30 drops of essential oils with water in the detergent compartment of your pressure washer and then proceed with regular cleaning. Essential oils such as orange, eucalyptus, lemongrass, mint, rosemary or lavender are natural enemies of flies. Remember to use this mixture sparingly to prevent oil from making your washing machine slippery.

Food is the main reason that attracts flies to our gardens. That's why it's important to keep garbage cans and compost bins covered. After a meal outside or if your four-legged friend gets into mischief, you should definitely clean up immediately.

Don't forget to remove any standing water that may collect in empty pots after a rain.

For those who find these tasks daunting, why not let nature help you? Plant fly-repellent shrubs such as basil, marigold and mint to keep these pests away. You can also opt for citronella candles or torches, which offer a natural, chemical-free solution to prevent flies from disturbing your garden party.

However, not everyone is convinced by traditional remedies like Pine-Sol. One skeptic commented: "We must have a different breed of fly than here, because the flies don't care if you rub Pinsol on their souls." They won't lead anywhere. »

Another person shared their experience: "I once cleaned my house with Pinesol when the flies were bad. I don't know if it deterred the flies, but I wanted to go.

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