
Héloïse's Tips: How to Keep a Soap Dish Clean and Berries Fresh - NJ.com


Dear Héloïse, when our father died, we were given a large number of flower vases that we could not take with us to the cemetery. After the service we gave several of these to the neighbors. When the flowers wilted, we washed the vases and took them to local florists instead of donating them to charity. They were happy to have her. When our mother died, we started all over again.

Another way to reuse them. I love your column! --SH, Texas


Dear Héloïse: I read your column in the Fort Dodge Messenger every day and value your advice. Here are some others:

  • I have a vacuum sealer in my closet and use it to seal all types of bags that I have opened.
  • A tip I learned from my dad is to put anything that might cause a smell in the freezer until trash day so it doesn't stink.
  • While many people use tongs on their toasters, most new toasters allow difficult-to-remove items to be removed by simply lifting the lever.

Thank you very much. --DB, Iowa


Dear Héloïse, many people think that storing fresh berries in the refrigerator is the best way to preserve them, but they should be stored in their original packaging and in a vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.

The longer fruit is stored in the refrigerator, the more nutrients are lost. In fact, it's better if you eat the fruit the same day you buy it or within a few days of purchasing it. Although refrigeration preserves the fruit's texture and flavor, it does not prevent nutrient loss. --DW, California


Dear Héloïse, if a toothpick is too short to check whether bread or other baked goods are done, try using a bamboo skewer. I also use bamboo skewers to see if a plant needs water. – MS, California


Dear Héloïse, this is my solution to door-to-door scammers: I simply never do business with anyone who shows up at my door. Instead, I ask her to send me something and then close the door. – RDK, via email

A clean soap dish

Dear Héloïse: To keep your soap dish clean after washing your hands, place the soap on the towel when washing your hands and then place it in the soap dish. The soap dish stays clean longer. -RP, Texas

Garbage disposal on vacation

Dear Héloïse: When we host informal parties, such as backyard barbecues, I write "garbage" and "recycling" on paper bags with a marker and place the bags around the house. Most people then throw away the trash themselves, which makes it easier to clean up after the party. – CG, in Houston

Pet friend

Dear Helosie, my name is Treetop. My mother adopted me in July 2022. I was rescued from a hoarding situation where I lived with 29 other cats. I am very happy and grateful to be home. – A reader, via email


Héloïse treetops

Dear readers, to see Treetop and our other animal friends, go to Heloise.com and click on "Pet of the Week."

Do you have a four-legged friend you would like to share with our readers? Send a photo and a short description to Heloise@Heloise.com . -- Héloïse

SEND GREAT ADVICE TO: Heloise@Heloise.com

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