
How to Save Money When Cold Weather Drives Up Electric Bills | Local News – WDRB

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- People are facing higher energy bills as the cold weather continues this winter.

LG&E recommends dressing in layers, using blankets and doing whatever you can to stay warm without setting the thermostat too high.

Tips LG&E recommends to customers include cleaning furnace filters, opening blinds during the day when the weather is nice, and placing towels around gaps in doors or windows that would otherwise let in cold air.

Cold January temperatures appear on customers' bills as they turn up the heat to stay warm. LG&E says anyone having trouble paying can set up a payment plan and get assistance.

"We understand that. It is very difficult. I know it's a surprise sometimes. Even for me, when I got it, I thought, 'Oh, we use a lot of energy in January, don't we?' So we appreciate that and are here for our customers and just encourage them to contact us so we can help them and figure out what's best for them," said Chris Whelan, vice president of communications for LG&E KU.

Colder weather is expected in the Louisville area this week, along with possible snowfall.

"The biggest thing this week is if you can lower the thermostat and change the temperature a little bit, those are the big savings," Whelan said. "For every degree you can save 3% on your heating bill."

In Indiana, Duke Energy says it offers programs to help customers manage and understand their monthly energy costs. He also suggests replacing traditional light bulbs with LEDs, which are more efficient and can help reduce costs over time.

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