
Mold and stains on clothes will disappear with this 54p item you already have - Daily Express

Everyone knows the old cleaning tricks like vinegar and baking soda or lemon juice and salt, but there is one item at home that will save lives not only for stains on clothes but also for removing mold.

The hidden cleaning super tool is in your child's first aid kit: aspirin.

According to Deyan Dimitrov, CEO of Laundryheap, aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid, which helps remove stains, brightens white clothing, and even fights mold spores hiding in fabrics.

This is a real revolution for anyone whose towels have yellowed shirts, sweat stains or musty smells.

At just 54p per pack, Aspirin is a cheap alternative to expensive stain removers.

It is also environmentally friendly, contains no harsh chemicals or artificial bleaches, and is gentle on fabrics, unlike bleach, which can weaken fibers.

To use this inexpensive stain solution, crush five to six uncoated aspirin and dissolve in a bowl of warm water. Allow the soiled clothing to soak in the container for a few hours or overnight and then wash it in the washing machine as normal.

Not only can aspirin help with laundry, it is also an anti-mold solution.

Just as aspirin can help plants fight fungal infections when added to water, it also removes mold from clothing, curtains and washing machines.

Simply crush five aspirin tablets and mix them with water to make a paste. For an extra touch, you can add white vinegar or lemon juice.

Apply the paste to the affected areas, leave it on for 30 minutes and then wash as usual. You can also add dissolved aspirin to the detergent drawer to thoroughly clean your machine.

It can also solve one of life's most frustrating problems: If you've ever accidentally washed a tissue, you know how annoying it can be to have little bits of paper all over your clothes and in the washing machine.

Facebook user Susan Attisha asked Hinch's fans on the social media platform how they could remove tissues from their clothes that had been in the washing machine.

Geraldine Baines said: "Put it back in the machine, put four or five soluble aspirin in the drum at 40C and it's all gone. I've been using this method for years."

Steph Martin replied: "Aspirin soaked in a bucket makes the best of it."

Mandy Harrison Carhart agreed, writing: "Put them in a bucket of water with aspirin overnight. I don't know how, but it works!"

Diane Ingamells commented: "Soak two dissolved aspirins in cold water for half an hour then rinse. This works for me every time. »

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