
How to wash a mattress protector – very easy

Mattresses aren't exactly cheap, so anything you can do to protect your investment and improve sleep hygiene is a win. This is where mattress protectors come into play, a secret necessity that keeps bedding fresher for longer and serves as an extra layer of protection against spills, sweat, dust and other substances. Just like sheets and comforters, it's important to wash your mattress protector regularly. Below is the full list, including materials needed, pro tips for washing, and how often you should wash a mattress protector.

How often should you wash a mattress protector?

You should wash your mattress protector once a month. You may want to wash it more often if you sweat a lot, have a dust allergy or asthma, or let your pets sleep in bed with you. Jade Piper, professional cleaning expert and operations manager at BetterCleans, also recommends washing after illness, an accident or an accident in bed. If it's a guest room or a mattress that you don't sleep on that often, you might be able to wash it every six to eight weeks instead of once a month.


How to clean a mattress protector

  1. Read the label

    All sheets come with specific care instructions, including mattress protectors. These care instructions can be found on the label on the mattress protector. "Ignoring care label information can lead to errors such as using incorrect temperatures or settings ," says Bryan Griffin, professional cleaning expert and founder of Patriot Maids Cleaning Services.

    If you've already removed the label from the mattress protector, you can check the retailer's website for instructions. And if you decide to remove the label, we recommend taking a photo of it for future reference if necessary.

  2. Lightly vacuum the protector

    Before removing the mattress protector from your bed, Piper recommends lightly vacuuming it to remove dust and hair. This is a previous step that ensures a very effective cleaning. If you're short on time, consider removing the mattress protector and shaking it out before throwing it in the washing machine.

  3. Put in the washing machine

    Then put the mattress protector in the washing machine and wash it according to the care instructions on the label. Mattress protectors are often washed with cold water and a mild detergent, says Piper. She adds, "I like to add a touch of laundry disinfectant like Lysol and run an additional cycle to remove any residue." » The use of fabric softener is not necessary.

    It's best to wash mattress protectors separately from sheets and other clothing, as they often require different care.

  4. Shake and air dry

    Shake the mattress protector to smooth out wrinkles, then place it outside on a clothesline or drying rack. It is best to air dry mattress protectors as the high heat of the dryer can damage the protective material and the plastics used on the back.

    "Make sure to air it out for about 24 hours before putting it back on the bed," advises Michael Bogoyavlenskiy, CEO of Cleaning Express. Make sure it is completely dry before placing it back on the bed, otherwise mold may develop.

    Although it may seem excessive, it can be helpful to have an extra mattress protector on hand so you don't have to go without it when drying.

  5. Go back to bed

    Once the mattress protector is clean and completely dry, place it back on the bed. Repeat at least once a month if necessary.

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