
Advice for education without problems.

Dog owners have many nice, but sometimes exhausting, problems that their dog brings home.

Dog owners have many nice, but sometimes exhausting, problems that their dog brings home. These are tips that save lives.

DIY liquid cleaner for odors and stains.
You need to mix a cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with two teaspoons of very mild soap. Take the liquid for dog urine before cleaning. Sprinkle with baking soda and let rest for a while before washing.

Raclette for cleaning the dog hair
Next time you can use a squeegee to remove animal hair from your carpet, car seats and sofas. With a squeegee, clogged hair on the fabric can be effectively removed.

Parsley saves breath
Dogs have bad breath if the food stays on their teeth or if they have wet food. If you do not want to change your diet, you can sprinkle the dog food with parsley to get fresh breath.

Keep the shampoo on for a long time.
Shampoo for dogs can sometimes be very expensive. If you would like to use the shampoo for a longer period of time, get a plastic jug and add 4: 1 water. There is no waste of shampoo.

Learn more about CPR in emergency situations.
Dogs can drown at any time and you must be prepared for emergencies. It is recommended that you have the necessary CPR skills to rescue your dog and your dog.

Destructive fluff
If your child likes to pull on the stuffed animals, buy a figure skating ball that can be filled with a pile of clothes and a candy in the middle. Your dog will be busy for hours to eliminate the fabric and the party.

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