
Flood Rehabilitation Kits Available in Dodge County

MANTORVILLE, Minn. - The American Red Cross distributes cleanup kits after a flood in Dodge County.

Kits are distributed on Fridays from 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm and Saturdays from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm in the following three locations, while supplies last:

Fire Department Kasson, 101 E Main St., Kasson.
Fire Department of Mantorville, 21st Street East, Mantorville.
Dodge County Road Division, 16 South Airport Street, Dodge Center.

"The Red Cross works closely with our partners to help our neighbors affected by the recent floods," said Melanie Tschida, executive director of the American Red Cross in southeastern Minnesota. "We recommend that anyone clean carefully, wear protective clothing and dispose of any food, water or medicines that come into contact with the flood, if in doubt, discard it."
The kits include bleach, a bucket, cleansers and sponges, mops, brooms, long-handled squeegees, garbage bags and gloves.

Dodge County has stated that there will be no garbage collection on the sidewalk of the last flood and residents should not dump this garbage at the Blue County garbage dumps. , Residents will be asked to contact an authorized garbage truck operator or drop off their garbage to the Dodge County Reloading Station on 240th Avenue in Kasson.

The Red Cross also encourages people living in flooded areas to follow these safety tips:

• Wear protective clothing, including rubber gloves and rubber boots, and be careful when cleaning.
• Learn how to clean up after a flood, including consumables required, how to disinfect surfaces that come in contact with food, and how to repair water damage.
• Be careful when moving furniture or debris as they can become saturated and heavy.
• Dispose of items that absorb water and can not be cleaned or disinfected. These include mattresses, carpets, cosmetics, stuffed animals and baby toys.
• Dispose of all foods, drinks and medicines that are exposed to flood and mud. In case of doubt discard. These include preserves, plastic utensils, teats and closed containers for food or liquids.
• Pump gradually flooded basements (about one third of the water per day) to prevent building damage. If the water is completely pumped out in a short time, the pressure of the water-saturated soil can cause the walls of the cellar to collapse.
• Damage septic tanks, drip pits, pits and leaching systems as soon as possible. Damaged sewage systems pose health risks.

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