
Five tips for a less toxic home.

Toxic chemicals are everywhere, even at home. Although it may seem catastrophic, we can try to reduce it and reduce the environmental pollution in the households. The guard gave five tips to make your home less toxic.

1. ventilate

To avoid contamination of our houses from the outside, it makes sense to close the windows. However, to avoid contamination in your home, you should open the windows when cooking or showering.

The British Lung Foundation (BLF) also recommends odorless cleaning products and the use of solid or liquid products instead of aerosols. In addition, candles or joss sticks should never be lit in a small room.

2. Reduce the plastic.

Many plastic products contain bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that can be absorbed through contact with the skin and disrupt the endocrine system. According to Tamara Galloway, a professor of ecotoxicology at the University of Exeter, 95% of adults have traces of BPA in the body due to continuous exposure.

Fortunately, there are several alternatives to limit exposure. It is recommended that mothers breastfeed their children or buy bottles labeled as BPA-free, or buy glass bottles instead of plastic bottles and avoid foods that are heavily processed and packaged.

3. Make your own cleaning products.

All you need is less: a guiltless guide to an environmentally friendly and stress-free life . Author Madeleine Somerville explains how to make her own cleaning products. Soap, baking soda and vinegar are all necessary ingredients.

First take a bottle of hot water and leave a few inches above. Adding a quarter cup of white vinegar, 2 tablespoons of eco-friendly cleaning fluid and possibly a tablespoon of Borax will give you your own cleaning spray.

Also read: Carcinogens can hide in these items for the home

4. Reduce dust

A study published in the US in 2016 identified 45 toxic chemicals in indoor powders. Phthalates, flame retardants and phenols were found. "Since indoor dust contains chemicals from a variety of products, this is like putting off chemicals for household use," said Veena Singla, co-author of the study "Natural Resources Defense." Advice in California.

Moisture and mold can affect our immune system and increase the risk of breathing problems. To minimize the dust in your home, use a damp cloth to vacuum clean at least twice a week (make sure your vacuum cleaner is equipped with a high-efficiency air filter to allow dust to build up In addition, hand washing with soap and water is always an effective step.

5. Check your painting options

When painting your kitchen or bedroom, take into account the VOC content in the paints, as they can be contaminated long after the paints dry.

Interior designer Katherine Sorrell warned that all "green" or "natural" colors are not necessarily "green". (sop / wng)

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