
Training tips that work.

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Contribution from Kaivac.

Proper training is critical in the cleaning industry. Employees not only learn how to perform their cleaning tasks in the most efficient and safe way, but also how time and investment in training reduces sales, a recurrent problem in the industry.

However, not all training methods are the same. Based on the studies of the National Training Institute (NTL), which analyzes various training methods, there is a "learning cone", the cleaning coach should know.

In some training methods, students retain only about five percent of what they have learned. With the cone of learning methods they keep up to 90%.

According to Kaivac's Matt Morrison, these are the three most effective ways to teach cleaning professionals the concept of the training cone:

1. Teach others. When a worker has mastered a task and trains other workers for the same work, he can sustain about 90% of what he has been taught. "We often talk about peer tutoring," Morrison said. "Every time the worker teaches another person, he refreshes his own memory."

2. Play, take a break, train. This usually refers to watching videos. "Practicing with practice makes the material personal and understandable, and if the workers can play a video, pause the video, and the task in video practice makes the NTL retain 75% of the video. She's just learning. "

3. Cooperative learning. This type of learning is a process of group formation that is usually done in a classroom. For example, a group of guards would learn to perform a specific task. Then they practice the task within the group. NTL reports that encourages learning and that workers retain about 50% of what they have learned.

"The least effective way to teach is to use lectures," says Morrison. "Only five percent of what we learn is maintained, and since English is the second language of many gatekeepers, this number could be even lower."

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