
World Oral Health Day: A famous dentist shares tips on how to clean your teeth with braces

Celebrity dentist shares tips on cleaning teeth with braces

Photo credits: iStock (left image), PR document (right image)

Maintaining good hygiene to stay healthy and fit is very important for every human being. Whether it's daily bathing or good facial hygiene, everyone has their own routine. Well, although most people tend to ignore their oral health, having oral hygiene is just as important for healthy teeth.

While most people know the basics of keeping their teeth clean, people with braces have some issues with it. We got some tips from famous cosmetic dentist Dr. Riddhi Katara how to clean your teeth with braces.

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Brushing your teeth with braces can be a bit more difficult than without, but good oral hygiene is still very important to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Here are some steps you can take to clean your teeth with braces.

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Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush that won't damage your braces or irritate your gums.

Brush your teeth after every meal: Brush your teeth after every meal and snack to remove any food debris that may have become lodged in your braces.

Use an interdental brush: An interdental brush is a small cone-shaped brush that can grip between your teeth and braces to remove any food particles or plaque that may have escaped the toothbrush.

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Floss regularly: Flossing is important to remove plaque and food debris from between teeth and braces. You can use a threader to get the thread under the threads.

Use mouthwash - Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash to kill any remaining bacteria and freshen your breath.

Visit your dentist regularly: Even if you take good care of your teeth, it is important that you visit your dentist regularly for cleaning and check-ups.

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Keep in mind that cleaning your teeth with braces may take a little more time and effort, but the results are worth it!

Disclaimer: Always consult an expert before making any changes to your routine.

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