
How to clean your home thoroughly to kill viruses

WAUSAU (WAOW) - Since disinfectants are coming off the shelves due to the COVID-19 epidemic, a local company offers tips for effective and comprehensive cleaning of your home.

Management cleaning staff says they want to disinfect everything that is touched frequently, such as door handles and light switches.

Employees say they have been more busy than ever and have been ordered by hospitals to use their smoke machine, which is said to kill many viruses.

However, you may have great options that are already under your sink.

"You want to go through everything you touch. Just clean things (with) Clorox or Lysol wipes and do it all the time," said Bob Schneider, owner of Executive Cleaning.

It is important to note that during daily cleaning, it is best to change the brands of cleaners regularly, as the germs get used to a certain type of cleaner, which can reduce the risk of killing them over time. .

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