
Your most pressing questions about coronavirus, answered by sanitation and cleaning professionals

As more information about the coronavirus pandemic evolves, some of the information in this story may have changed since the last update. For the latest information on COVID-19, see the online resources of CDC , WHO, and the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases . You can try to better protect yourself from COVID-19 by washing your hands, avoiding contact with sick people, and disinfecting your home, among other things .

Almost a week has passed since the World Health Organization announced that COVID-19, the new form of the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has become a global pandemic . Since our daily lives are disrupted and the nation is doing its best to cope with an inevitable spread, Google's interest in searching for "coronavirus" queries has quadrupled over the past 30 days, addressing questions such as "How long does corona virus keep on surfaces? " up to 1000% in the same period. We have had intensive discussions with experts so that we can give you and your families the best tips and advice to stay healthy in these difficult times . However, there are new questions (and new tips) every day, which changes quickly depending on the situation.

That's why we contacted our readers on Instagram directly to ask them what they want to know about COVID-19. Most of the questions were related to health, such as to protect to the members of the family of diseases, including the elderly and children. Other questions focused on cleaning, including concerns about using the right disinfectants and whether using DIY cleaning solutions is safe or not.

To get the most accurate answers, we teamed up with two experts: As medical director of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Dr. William Schaffner the organization's response to the spread of COVID-19 since late January. When the first American case in Washington State found was . We also have our own Carolyn Forte, director of the cleaning laboratories at the Good Housekeeping Institute , called upon to questions about cleaning to answer their house.

We hope that these questions and answers will help you find your way in a new reality by isolating yourself at home or navigating a new work routine.

You have a question. Let us know how we can help you. Regardless of whether you are on site or still working, we would like to help you get precise answers to your most pressing questions about COVID-19 Send an e-mail with your questions, suggestions or wishes to ghdigital@hearst.com. We hope that our resources will help you if you continue to take care of yourself and your loved ones.

Dr. Conductor to get started: what's the difference between regular flu and COVID-19?

The symptoms of the new coronavirus (COVID-19) and the flu (flu) are similar , including fever, cough and shortness of breath. Some patients with COVID-19 have had gastrointestinal problems or diarrhea. To diagnose a potential case, healthcare professionals can run tests to rule out the flu and other infections.

However, it is important to remember that even the "normal" flu can be serious. As of October 1, 2019, there were at least 36 million diseases, 370,000 hospitalizations, and 22,000 influenza deaths in the U.S. during the 2019-2020 influenza season. As of March 18, 2020, there were 7,038 cases of COVID-19 and 97 deaths in the United States.

COVID-19 symptoms can appear within 2 to 14 days after exposure. Many people experience mild symptoms. For others, the virus can cause serious illnesses or even death.


Courtesy of NFID.

Is it true that COVID-19 can cause permanent lung damage after our recovery?

Some initial studies in China and other countries suggest that some patients may have permanent lung damage after recovery from COVID-19. However, these are preliminary studies and more are needed on the subject.

Do I have to wear a mask then?

    Surgical masks are not recommended for the general public : these masks do not prevent the person wearing them from breathing in respiratory viruses . They only prevent the sick from spreading more germs. Gaps and gaps can form around the cheeks and the edges of the mouth so that air and germs can easily penetrate and escape from the mask. A good hand wash is more effective in preventing respiratory infections.

    There are two circumstances in which the use of a face mask is suitable for the general public: if you are ill, you should wear a face mask when you are with other people and before entering the office of a healthcare professional. If you are caring for a sick person who cannot wear a face mask, wear a face mask when entering your room.

    My husband has high blood pressure. Are you in danger

    People at increased risk of serious complications from COVID-19 are people aged 60 and over; People with chronic diseases including heart, lung and diabetes; and those who are immunodeficient. If you are concerned about a condition such as high blood pressure, you should speak to your doctor.

    I live with an older person. Do I have to limit the time away from home?

      When living with an older adult, it is very important that you take precautions daily. When going out in public, keep away from other sick people, limit close contact, and wash your hands frequently . Avoid crowds as much as possible to limit the risk of infection, but also to avoid taking them home.

      Understand But is it dangerous to be outside at all?

      A walk is good exercise and psychologically beneficial . However, avoid close contact with sick people and keep a distance of 6 feet between other people. If you are 60 or older or have an underlying health problem like heart, lungs or diabetes, be very careful when you are with other people indoors or outdoors. outside

      Current recommendations are to avoid cruises and unnecessary trips . Crowded travel settings such as airports or train stations can increase the risk of exposure to COVID-19. Travel restrictions can make it difficult to travel to another country or return to the U.S. when you travel abroad.

      Coronavirus Common Questions Answered

      Catherine Falls Commercial Getty Images

      Do I have to worry about my children, especially young children?

      From what we know so far, most children and young children do not get very sick with this virus. However, there is growing evidence that children can spread the virus among themselves and to other vulnerable people, such as grandparents and older family members. Teach your kids healthy habits to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and other germs - wash your hands frequently. Cough or sneeze in a handkerchief, then throw away. Keep your hands away from your mouth, nose and eyes. Children should be careful to greet grandparents and others with underlying health problems with an elbow or smile rather than a hug or kiss.

      What about women who may be pregnant or about to give birth?

      Pregnant women and parents of newborns should adopt healthy habits to avoid infections such as frequent hand washing and avoiding sick people. Hospitals take precautions against infections to ensure safe delivery. If you have any concerns, you should speak to your doctor and ask what preparations you can make.

      Should I still plan to go to regular medical appointments? What if I need surgery?

      The current recommendation is elective dental procedures and elective operations to move to additional pressure to avoid the American health care system. Call 911 in an emergency. If you have a specific problem that requires attention, your doctor can advise you. Routine visits must be postponed at this time.

      Young woman playing with her dog outdoors

      IvanJekic Getty Images

      Can Pets Get Corona Virus?

      We don't currently have a lot of specific information about pets with COVID-19, but most experts consider this unlikely . However, since all animals can carry germs that can make people sick, it is always a good idea to practice healthy habits: wash your hands after handling pets, their food, waste, or supplies. Clean the animals properly. Talk to your veterinarian if you have any questions about your pet's health.

      Will the virus worsen at the beginning of the spring season?

      It is important to remember that this virus was first discovered in humans in December 2019. It is therefore too early to predict whether it will be seasonal. If it behaves like other respiratory viruses, including the flu, it can decrease in warmer weather. It can even be part of the usual cold and flu season. But scientists still don't have enough information to be sure . This is why ongoing research to develop effective antiviral drugs and vaccines against coronaviruses is so important.

      Do we know how long COVID-19 can live on surfaces?

      The first reports published in the New England Journal of Medicine indicate that the COVID-19 virus can live in aerosols and on surfaces for several hours or days. You should try to clean and disinfect surfaces that are touched frequently every day: detergents or soap and water can be used to clean surfaces. For the disinfection use diluted household bleaching solutions, alcoholic solutions with at least 70% alcohol or common household disinfectants which can kill this virus effectively and can be used safely.

      Hand hygiene is the most important thing because hands are the main means of transmitting this virus. There are many things we cannot control, but we can wash our hands and keep them away from our faces.

      Carolyn, what are the best products to clean my home properly?

      The best thing you can use for easy disinfection is a disinfectant wipe like the one sold by Clorox. However, if you only find disinfectant sprays like Lysol or multi-purpose cleaners like Lysol and Microban around the clock , these can also kill germs . For more information and a list of cleaning products that neutralize the virus that causes COVID-19 on surfaces, see the full list of approved cleaning agents by the Environmental Protection Agency .

      If everything is exhausted, can I prepare my own surface cleaning solution?

      Like Dr. Schaffner advises that bleach and water home remedies or hydrogen peroxide and isopropyl alcohol are the best options. They are all working on killing the corona virus, although they may take different dwell times. If you want to disinfect a hard, non-porous surface, these solutions are suitable DIY solutions:

      • To use bleach, mix 4 teaspoons of bleach with 1 liter of water and apply the mixture directly to the surface. You must let it rest for at least five minutes before cleaning it.
      • To use hydrogen peroxide , just spread it straight from the bottle onto the surface of the item. Let it rest for at least a minute before cleaning it.
      • To isopropyl alcohol to use, make sure that you get advance 70% isopropyl alcohol. You can also apply directly and let it rest for at least 30 seconds.

        To put it clearly: Vinegar is not an effective disinfectant and should not be used. If you don't have a cleaner or paper towel, DIY solutions can be put in a spray bottle or applied directly with a towel. If possible, keep contacting the stores as the shelves are replenished regularly.

        Do I also have to disinfect the things I bought in the shop?

        While authorities are still determining how long the virus that causes COVID-19 can live on surfaces, I suspect washing cans, bottles, or other hard containers in hot, soapy water before putting them in your pantry is a good one Step would be. The cleaning also kills many germs, although they are not completely killed, as would be the case with disinfection. The disinfection is a bit extreme here. If you have tried to disinfect all of your non-perishable products, you should wash and rinse them, like all surfaces that come into contact with food, after an effective disinfection. You don't want to accidentally take harmful chemicals.

        How often should I disinfect these surfaces?

        Once a day when a household member is sick. If nobody is sick, common sense must prevail. It's good every few days . Remember that more people are at home in the house all day now if the house could be empty. So you have to clean more often than regularly .

        Dr. Schaffner, I have socially isolated my house, cleaned it and prepared it for quarantine ... do you have an idea when I can stop distancing myself from others?

        Local authorities are currently investigating cases of COVID-19 in their communities. As soon as this number decreases, they will think about how to end the social distance. You will probably do it gradually. Pay attention to the local health authorities, follow their advice and continue to adopt healthy habits, e.g. B. Washing hands and touching your face .

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